A Portal For All Seasons

We often get asked whether epayslip portals can be used for anything other than epayslips. The answer is a resounding, YES!

Our clients use their epayslip portals for all sorts of things from annual documents such as:

  • P60s
  • P11Ds
  • Pension Statements
  • Statutory Automatic Enrolment Letters
  • Company Announcements
  • Disciplinary Communications

In a recent project, we teamed up with a well-known media giant who wanted their employees to view pension statements and projections via a portal. At the time, they were not considering changing their payslip delivery method but wanted to adapt the standard portal for secure document exchange. Their provider had let them down and they had committed to the business that the new facility would be delivered to their staff within 2 months of approaching us. There was a very complex link between the pension provider calculator and the incumbent staff single sign-on process to juggle. Suffice as to say, the project was delivered on time, to budget and was exactly what the client wanted.

When you think about secure portals, think outside the box. Yes, they are marvellous for delivering payslips electronically plus all those annual PAYE documents and even P45s. However, in reality, the portal is just a massive secure vault that could contain and deliver any document to anyone, in a secure and completely audited manner.

By linking directly with a subscriptions database, the epayslip portal could morph into a library for report publication and as it can be accessed by controlled registered users at any time, from anywhere in the world, is a great solution for distributing quarterly reports, new documents and legal papers.

We have some clients that use it specifically to deliver automatic enrolment letters to their staff. There are two popular methods; posting pre-generated letters or creating the letter from the payroll data. In the former, the letter is pre-generated by the payroll package before being posted to the employee’s portal. In the latter method, the appropriate statutory letter is generated from the data imported into the portal and posted to the employee’s private portal.

There are two compelling reasons to use an epayslip portal for distributing documents to staff, subscribers and clients:

  1. The cost of print, stationery, postage and man-time can be prohibitive when there a quantities of documents to distribute.
  2. The speed, accuracy, accessibility and security of the portal beats hardcopy options, hands down.


Why wouldn’t you use one?

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