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Who is watching you? – Why GDPR may not be protecting your UK held data

gdpr protectionWe are all hopefully familiar with the basic principle that under EU law, we must give permission for our data to be shared. However, this is not as cut and dried as it initially sounds, and the use of UK personal data by US companies is continuing to be an issue. What is the problem […]

Resolving a document approval issue over multiple sites

edocument deliveryBringing a big problem to a simple solution When it comes to resolving a large problem, there is nothing like reaching a solution that produces a simple-to-use easy fix. That is exactly what our edocument system provided for one client with a team spread over multiple locations. The problem presented When it comes right down […]

Convenient is the new efficient – How myworksapp creates an easy workflow

How myworksapp creates an easy workflowWhen it comes to the working day, there is nothing quite like getting things done in the most convenient way. In a mobile-driven world, the more work-related information we have in the palm of our hands, the faster we have access to what we need. Everyone is mobile, so access should be as well We […]

Dispersed but close – Communicating on a large scale with remote employees

Communicating on a large scale with remote employeesWith the changing workplace comes a change in communication. Remote working is here to stay, and it is altering our workplace needs. So, how do you deal with communication on a large scale when you have remote employees? Everything is no longer in one place The change in the way information, documents and even casual […]

Open to all – The importance of accessibility online

The importance of accessibility onlineWe all want to make sure our digital presence is as easy to use as possible. That means considering the issue of accessibility and doing as much as possible to enable users in their journey through your website or portals. Why accessibility, and does it matter? According to Scope UK, 1 in 5 people in the UK […]

Taking safety with you – Keeping your devices secure

Secure DevicesWe all rely on our devices these days. In fact, we use our mobiles and tablets for everything from banking to games. You cannot help but admire what that does to improve our lives. The ability to access the internet and cloud-based materials for work on a pocket-sized device is incredible. As useful as they […]

Good practice tips for passwords – Why MrScratchy can be a security risk

Good practice tips for passwordsPasswords are a vital element of keeping your information safe online. When you think about how much information would be available to someone with access to them, you start to realise how important they are. Imagine throwing open the doors to your house and inviting everyone to come in and rummage around in your personal […]

Cyber essentials have changed – Are you up to date?

Cyber essentials have changedCyber essentials and cyber essentials plus certification, just in case you are reading this and asking yourself, ‘what does cyber essentials mean’? is a government-backed scheme to help tackle the increasing problem of cyber attacks on businesses in the UK. It is a response to the growing and seemingly ever-present threat of infiltration and misuse […]

ISO 27001 –A way of life not just a tick box exercise

ISO 27001 –A way of life not just a tick box exerciseHave you noticed how we always seem to be ready to reduce the importance of something? Maybe it’s a Britishness thing that makes us do this, but we tend to downplay our achievements. Humility and modesty are great things, but I sometimes wonder how healthy that is when it extends into professional conduct. Health and […]
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