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Walls have ears!

Who is watching your business email traffic and what are you disclosing to them via the content of your email? Simple steps you can take to protect from malicious intervention and data breach…

Get your house in order!

In this blog, we discuss how the organisation of your company data affects the efficiency of your business; from payroll to automatic enrolment. Read more, here

e-Payslips & Chocolate

Are we seeing the end to the humble filing cabinet? We discuss the practicalities of traditional filing and archiving solutions with a touch of Galaxy (other chocolate brands are available)

The What, The Why And The Who Of Secure File Transfer

In this blog, we outline the advantages for both security and privacy of sending personal or sensitive data via secure file transfer rather than “normal” email. Is it fiddly or complex? Will it impact your daily processes? You can read more, here
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