news August 2023

Consultation on tax incentives for occupational health

Two consultations have been released that are designed for tackling economic inactivity due to long-term sickness; a top priority for the government. The government intends to obtain views on establishing an agreement and partnership between government, employers and OH providers, to help drive an ambitious increase in OH coverage, specifically in relation to:

– the introduction of a national ‘health at work’ standard to help provide a baseline for quality OH provision including guidance, the option of pursuing accreditation and additional government-funded support services as well as employer best practice sharing;

– best practice from other countries and other UK-based employer models that enable employers to provide support for their employees;

– developing work and health workforce capacity through new service models, building the skills mix and diversity of the current workforce and partnering with the private sector to develop a long term sustainable multidisciplinary OH workforce.

You can read more about these consultations below:

Occupational Health: Working Better

Tax Incentives for Occupational Health

Source: CIPP/.gov

consultation on tax
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