How long could a working parent last without pay?
A staggeringly high percentage of working parents surveyed recently said they would be unable to survive without pay for longer than a few weeks if their child became ill or had an accident and they needed time off work. 9% said they couldn’t afford to take any time off work if their child was injured or became ill.
Alongside this, 48% of working parents said they have no savings pot put aside for if they had to take time off work in these circumstances and 28% of this group have no support network in place from family and friends should this occur.
The impact of this on the workforce is significant. So what are the options?
Source: HR News
As an employer, you can help your employees by providing access to financial and debt management services, counsellors, 24/7 GP services and shopping discounts through a cost effective employee benefits scheme.
Providing employee benefits to your workforce doesn’t have to break the bank. SSLPost offer a full range of employee benefits options from a simple shopping discount scheme that costs the employer nothing, zero, nada (it’s true!), to the full health and wellbeing package costing from £2.50 per employee per month. Such a small amount could make a huge difference to those employees struggling to balance their budgets.
Contact us today to learn more.