April – a busy time for HR
With a raft of new legislation coming in the new tax year, how are HR departments coping and will you be ready in time?
Everything from national living wage and gender pay gap reporting to holiday pay and National Insurance cuts come into play from April 6th. Combine this with flexible working and paternity leave changes and there is huge pressure on HR and payroll departments to get it right first time.
Read more about the changes and view a simple “to do” list here>
Communicating these change to the workforce can be challenging. Have you considered an employee hub? A simple solution to an age old problem. If you already have an SSLPost epayslip solution, this can be adapted to accept additional documents very easily. If not, give us a call!
Policies, changes to legislation and allowances can be delivered on one swoop within minutes, even to those staff without email addresses. You can learn more about employee hubs by visiting our website or book a 30 minute, no obligation consultation with us to discuss options.
*Source: personneltoday.com