What is the impact of the economic crunch on employees?
To coincide with May mental Health week, the results of a recent report were released looking at the impact on employee’s mental health, of continued financial concerns.
The survey found that 75% of people across the UK have experienced emotional distress over the past year due to financial worries. A startling 64% of all survey respondents state that fears of financial difficulties have impacted their sleep patterns, causing difficulty falling or staying asleep, and 57% state that financial worries have led to arguments or conflict with friends, family, and loved ones.
Source: HR News
Once an employee starts to gain control of their finances, a massive improvement in their mental health was reported. Makes sense, right? So why are so many employees feeling alone in their worries and what can be done to help them get back on track?
As an employer, you can help your employees by providing access to financial and debt management services, counsellors, 24/7 GP services and shopping discounts through a cost effective employee benefits scheme.
Providing employee benefits to your workforce doesn’t have to break the bank. SSLPost offer a full range of employee benefits options from a simple shopping discount scheme that costs the employer nothing, zero, nada (it’s true!), to the full health and wellbeing package costing from £2.50 per employee per month. Such a small amount could make a huge difference to those employees struggling to balance their budgets.
Contact us today to learn more.