Secure epayslips portal user guide

Thank you for choosing SSLPost secure epayslips portal. To help you get up and running quickly, we’ve compiled some easy instructions for setting up your account to access your epayslips, P60s, P11Ds, P45, HR mail, secure email or automatic enrolment letters, depending on the services your company have elected to use, in this easy to follow secure eportal user guide.

Note: These instructions also apply for secure edocument portals.

This User Guide provides you with a basic ‘step by step’ set of instructions for setting up your eportal account password, logging into your SSLPost eportal account and viewing your secure documents.

  1.   Register your password
  2.   Log into your eportal
  3.   My epayslip history
  4.   Open your epayslip
  5.   Other eportal documents
  6.   Secure email
  7.   Forgotten password/password reset
  8.   FAQ


Register your SSLPost secure epayslips portal account password

To register your SSLPost secure epayslips portal  password, you will need to go to a URL, like the one below (please note your HR or payroll Administrator should provide you with this link, PLEASE CONTACT THEM DIRECTLY IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED THIS LINK TO REGISTER): “Your Company Name” /

You should see a similar dialog box to the one below.  Please enter the relevant requested options, which can be a combination of National Insurance Number, surname, email address, payroll number or any other option your company has requested you register your account with.  Then click the “Activate Your Account” button.

You will then be asked to enter in a password and then re-enter this to verify it.  Your password should usually be a minimum of 12 characters, with at least one lower case (e.g. a), one upper case (e.g. A) and one special character (e.g.%)/number (e.g.1).  This will depend on your company password policy. Please avoid using a password you have used before, passwords with consecutive or repeated characters (abc, aaa or 111, 123), short or easy to guess passwords.  This password will be used each time you access your  SSLPost secure epayslips portal:

Once you have set your password, you will also be asked to enter an email address (the system will then be able to inform you that your payslip has been uploaded to the SSLPost eportal each month). You will also be asked to set answers to security questions chosen by your company; please remember these answers as you may need them if you need to reset your password in the future. Then click the “Activate Account” button.

You will then automatically be redirected to your SSLPost secure epayslips portal home page.


Log into the SSLPost eportal

After you have registered your password, your HR or payroll administrator will provide you with a unique login URL like this: “Your Company Name” /

It is recommended that you save the login URL in your Internet browser favourites/bookmarks

Go to that URL and enter your login credentials.

If your administrator has requested that your email address is used as log in credentials, you can also login to your secure epayslips portal by using the login links on the SSLPost website resources and online support pages.


My epayslip history

Your SSLPost secure epayslips portal home page is shown below, which provides you with an overview of your pay details:

secure epayslips portal

This is your payslip history page, where you will see any payslips that have been uploaded to the SSLPost eportal for you.


Open your epayslip

To view your epayslip, click on the  “Download Payslip” or “Open Payslip” icon on the right hand side of the screen. This will then open your epayslip on-screen or in PDF Format, enabling you to view and print* as you would do normally with any other PDF document

*If your company has enabled this provision.


Other eportal documents

Your secure payslips portal may contain other documents your organisation has sent you.  This may be P60, P11D, Automatic Enrolment letters, company memorandums and messages, contracts and so on.

You will see a series of tabs across the top of your screen.  Just click into the tab to access the document.

You can also download the document in PDF for printing if your company has requested this provision.


Secure email

If your company has opted for the secure email feature, you will see a tab called “Send Encrypted Email”.

Please refer to the secure email user guide, for further instructions.


Forgotten password / password reset

To reset your password, click “Forgotten Password” on the login page and follow the on-screen instructions.



I have forgotten my SSLPost secure epayslips portal Password?

If you forget your password, you will need to click the “forgotten password” button on your log in page and then follow the on-screen instructions.

I have forgotten my SSLPost secure epayslips portal Security Answers?

If you forget your security answers, you will need to contact your company HR or Payroll Administrator or email providing your relevant account details so we can assist you further.

Is it safe to use SSLPost secure epayslips portal on a public computer?

Although SSLPost is secure, public computers generally do not provide a trusted environment. You should not enter sensitive information such as your SSLPost password in an untrusted environment.  You must always remember to log out correctly using the log out button rather than just click the “X” in the top right of your screen.

My Payslip details are incorrect

You will need to contact your HR or Payroll team directly on this matter. SSLPost provides the technology to deliver and display your documents.  We have no control of the document content.

Other Queries

If you have any issues with your secure epayslips portal, you should always contact your company HR or Payroll team, in the first instance.

However, if you have any other questions or require further assistance using your secure epayslips portal, you can contact our Customer Services team, 8am – 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) via email to: or

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