Toastie, anyone?

I was delighted to take delivery of my new toastie maker the other day and whilst extolling it’s virtues to my slightly bored mother (she has been there, done that), she reminded me that it seems some of the most successful household items are revamped old ones for a new, time-short market.

She is right. From the humble vacuum cleaner to the latest food processor, there seems to be nothing new out there. Cookers that turn themselves on at a specified time, heating controllers that you can access whilst away from the home, they all fit the same profile; they have been around for a while but have been adapted for those who want it done now.

In a time-short world, we all want things quicker, faster, slicker; from deliveries the same/next day after order, to meals ready to dish up when we get in. The same applies to our work environment; in order to increase productivity, certain housekeeping tasks need to be automated so your staff can spend time on more important things that help keep your business competitive. Payroll is a good example. if you are running payroll, you will know that you need to constantly keep an eye on payroll events; from sickness to holiday absence, there is always something that needs to be addressed before you can get down to the final task of sending payslips out. So why even consider spending what time you have got, printing and posting payslips, P60s, P11Ds or even P45s when you could just press a button and all the PAYE documents are delivered to the secure portals of your staff. The great thing with epayslips is, that you never hear the words “can you send me a copy, I lost the original?” or “I can’t remember getting my P60 and I need it for the tax return”. They are there for staff, 24/7, safely tucked up in a secure portal. Providing the staff have access to the internet and a device with which to access it, they can help themselves. Bliss.

There is nothing new about a payslip. A payslip is never going to cure the common cold or implement world peace on its own. However, changing the way you deliver that payslip will make a huge difference to the time your payroll department spends printing and posting pay documents each month – not to mention the cost of the stationery, ink and postage. Think about it. It makes perfect sense.

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